For registering to the EMERALD Multiplier Event organized on 13.09.2023 by the BIZZCOM s.r.o. company from Bucany (Slovakia), please fulfill the Attending form not later than September 11, 2023.

In the frame of the EMERALD 21-COP-0019 project financed by Norwegian funds within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA), BIZZCOM s.r.o. company from Bucany (Slovakia), together with the partners of the EMERALD project consortium, will organize on the date of September 13, 2023 the “Multiplier Event on „Experiencing of e-learning platform for bio-mechatronics“.
Registration and participating to this event is „free of charge”, the organized event being mainly addressed to professors, students, researchers, surgeons and scientists coming from different university institutions belonging to EU or non-EU countries, as well as to private companies and research and development institutions that are specially interested and are activating in the field of manufacturing engineering (3D printing, bio-mechatronics and robotics), IT domain, regional development agencies, clusters, NGOs, or any other public and private institutions which are or could be interested by the latest trends on advanced manufacturing technologies in producing parts (robotic arms, prostheses, etc.) for people with special needs (amputated arms) in the medical sector.
The main aim of the EMERALD Multiplier Event organized at BIZZCOM s.r.o. company in Bucany (Slovakia)
The main aim of this event is to present the main concept of the EMERALD project, as well as the e-learning platform for bio-mechatronics (virtual laboratory platform) that has been conceived by the EMERALD consortium as result of the IO3 intellectual output in the frame of the EMERALD project. All teaching resources, tools and methods that can be found integrated within e-learning platform for bio-mechatronics (virtual laboratory platform) are destined to familiarize the users with the main steps that are necessary to be followed when different types of biomimetic mechatronic systems are needed to be conceived in particular for people with special needs (amputated arms), starting with 3D scanning and continuing with CAD, CAE, Materials’ selection, 3D printing, Sensoring, Assembling and Programming of the realized devices. VR & AR solutions related to this aim can also be found integrated within the realized platform.
The organized event also aims to create the necessary framework for all participants of this important event to share knowledge, examples of good practice, gained experience and expertise that each institution has in the field of designing and manufacturing of biomechatronic systems for people with special needs ( amputated arms) using modern manufacturing methods (such as 3D printing methods), in order to extend the European Network for 3D Printing of Biomimetic Mechatronic Systems – EMERALD with new other institutions (stakeholders) that will be coming aboard, this network being aimed to be used as one of the most important tool for building strategic partnerships to commonly join and prepare of important national and international strategic and institutional or research projects that can be further on developed on different common topics of interests in this field in the future.
In order to register to the EMERALD Multiplier Event organized on September 13, 2023 at BIZZCOM s.r.o. company in Bucany (Slovakia), it is enough as one first step to fulfill the Attending form with all the data requested in the form, but not later than September 11, 2023.
The EMERALD multiplier event organized on September 13, 2023 will be held within the BIZZCOM s.r.o. company in Bucany (Slovakia) premises (address: Šľachtiteľská 591/2, 919 28 Bučany, Slovakia).
The preliminary agenda of the EMERALD Multiplier Event organized on September 13, 2023 by the BIZZCOM s.r.o. company in Bucany (Slovakia) can be found here:
For further details, concerns or information related to the EMERALD Multiplier Event or related to the EMERALD project aims and actions, please contact us using the contact form.
Thank you and we look forward to meet you at the EMERALD Multiplier Event organized on the date of September 13, 2023 at BIZZCOM s.r.o. company in Bucany (Slovakia)!
With EMERALD greetings, The organizers of the EMERALD Multiplier Event – BIZZCOM s.r.o. (Slovakia)!